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KPI FT4250CC-420484 | Texas Bearing

KPI FT4250CC-420484

Track Mounted 4250 Crusher Closed Circut

Options Included-Self-cleaning Permanent Cross Belt Magnet; Additional Cross Conveyor (screen top deck) Nominal 18x8(450mm x 2440mm); Grizzly Bars w/2 1/2 (65mm) spacing in lieu of grizzly fingers; Return Conveyor Discharge Chute w/ flop gate&extension

ENGINE - CAT C13 440 HP, Tier IV, 1800 RPM CONTROL SYSTEM - radio remote / tether IMPACTOR - 4250 horizontal shaft with heavy-duty solid rotor assembly, 3 reversible and replaceable blow bars,

Our track-mounted impactor plants are the only continuously crushing and tracking impactors on the market. Featuring Andreas Series Impact Crushers, these plants deliver up to 25 percent more production and up to 30 percent more uptime than competitive models. Delivering dramatically superior performance with an easily adjustable interface, aggregate producers and recyclers alike will benefit from the availability of open- or closed-circuit configurations, complete with a screen and recirculating conveyor.

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